Intuiface - IAdea


Intuiface is the market leading solution for teams who want to create, deploy, measure, and manage interactive digital experiences without writing one line of code. Use your own images, videos, documents, 3D models, and more – the most extensive selection of supported media in the industry – to create any designs, storyboards, and layouts you can dream of with a Lego-like approach that can be mastered by anyone who’s ever built a slide. This is coupled with a fully configurable ability to integrate with any backoffice system or cloud hosted service, ensuring information is up-to-date and relevant for the target audience.

  • Create interactive, data-driven meeting room signage that is always up-do-date.
  • Deploy layout updates to signs anywhere in the world using a Web-based deployment console
  • Measure activity to determine most frequented rooms, most popular selections, and more.
  • Manage device usage to ensure error-free availability and maximized usage

Incorporation of the LED light bars on the IAdea XDS-1088 are a good example of the integration mechanism at work. In the video below, a very simple Intuiface-based experience is used to control the LED light bars. In practice, any user-, system-, or service-initiated event could trigger use of the light bars. Instructions for incorporating the light bars can be found in the Intuiface Help Center.



Silver Partner
What Makes Intuiface Unique?

  • Interactivity
  • Connectivity
  • Analytics
    • Identify and measure KPIs by easily collecting information about any human- or machine-initiated events across any number of devices located anywhere in the world. Create charts and dashboards to convert collected data into actionable business insight.
  • Additional capabilities
    • Imposes no template restrictions, offering unlimited creativity and design flexibility, all without coding.
    • Accepts the widest range of media formats on the market, including streaming video, 3D models and live maps.
    • Easily scales from single deployments to hundreds or thousands of geographically distributed displays.
    • Equally excels at the creation and deployment of non-interactive signage, enabling the creation of scheduled playlists connected to external data sources and services.
    • Comes with extensive educational and support material including a 400+ article online library, an instructional video curriculum, active support forums, and a vibrant user community.
    • Available via a transparent pricing model with no hidden fees or professional service requirements
Supported IAdea Devices

Intuiface can be used out-of-the-box with any member of the IAdea Smart Signboard series using the Quad-Core A17 CPU or later. As of the writing of this article, those devices are:

10-inch Smart Signboard:

  • XDS-1088-A
  • XDS-1088-H

15-inch Smart Signboard:

  • XDS-1588
  • XDS-1588-A
  • XDS-1588-H

22-inch Smart Signboard:

  • XDS-2285
  • XDS-2288

Getting Started with Intuiface and IAdea

  • Try it yourself for free
    Intuiface can be used at no cost, with 100% of its design capabilities available for evaluation. This includes the ability to freely install and run Intuiface Player – the runtime – on any supported IAdea Smart Signboard. Register here to being your review.
  • Watch our demo video
    We cover all the fundamentals in an extensive product demo found in the recording of our “Intro to Intuiface” webinar. (Scroll to the bottom of that page.)
  • View customer examples
    For inspiration, check out our 70+ video showcase of customer work, created for a variety of verticals and audiences.

Seize the Opportunity

Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your office management. Elevate your workspace now and see the benefits of the WRP-1000 Room Booking Panel for yourself

IAdea is a recognized pioneer in the global digital signage market since 2000. It creates innovative, commercial-grade digital signage media players and integrated displays. By focusing on partnership, IAdea created one of the industry’s largest ecosystems around open standards across a wide variety of business markets. It aims to provide exceptional customer service through its worldwide locations.

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