CaseStudy Campaign - IAdea

CaseStudy Application



Share your experience with us!

If you love IAdea Products, don’t be shy! Share it with us!!

What’s even better is that all qualified case study applications will receive a coupon that can be used on purchasing all IAdea Products in the next order! (Discount Rate as below) Sounds like a deal? Submit your application NOW!!

Qualification: Project demand over 10 IAdea devices.

USD $1000 Coupon

  • Company Description
  • Project Solution Diagram
  • Project Feature Highlight
  • Project Images

USD $ 2000​ Coupon

  • All Item at the left
  • Company Name/logo
  • Quote from high-level management level(CEO/CTO/IT Manager)

USD $3000​ Coupon

  • All Item at the left 
  • Video Recording for products / company logo / Quote  (Above 1 min)

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