PR Archives - Page 33 of 41 - IAdea
What more than “Cut the Rope” to show HTML5 is ready

What more than “Cut the Rope” to show HTML5 is ready

Microsoft, playing catch-up in the HTML5 browser war, just launched the HTML5 version of the Cut the Rope game for the Internet Explorer (it actually runs on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox too) at CES 2012 today. With its reported 1.6 million of daily online users, Cut...
How Good is SMIL for Digital Signage?

How Good is SMIL for Digital Signage?

IAdea’s CEO John C. Wang recently contributed an article for DailyDOOH, the leading news medium in digital signage. The article titled How Popular is SMIL in Digital Signage? details how SMIL grew from 2009 to become the largest platform in digital signage...

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