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Smart Workplaces:
How Display Technology Optimizes Workplace Operations
An IAdea White Paper
Digital signage in workplaces has evolved. The technology was at first seen as an eye-catching, timely tool for communicating with staff and guests. Now it’s an integral toolset for monitoring productivity, managing facilities and optimizing the use of available space in both white collar and blue collar working environments.
Today’s digital signage technology covers everything from smart, sensor-fed meeting room sign and directory systems, to data-driven KPI dashboards and lobby video walls that communicate the brand and set the building’s experience for both staff and visitors.

This white paper looks at the range of digital signage-related applications now being used across a broad spectrum of workplace environments, including a look at how they’re used, and why. The paper examines the mistakes to avoid and keys to technical success, as well as the models and technology that ensure hassle-free business operations.
If your work touches on business and workplace communications, or building operations, you’ll benefit from a wide range of expert insights available by downloading this free white paper from IAdea and its business partners.
Click here to download this free white paper…
In this whitepaper, you’ll learn:
The range of digital signage-related applications now being applied across a broad spectrum of workplace environments, including a look at how they’re used, and why.
The paper examines the mistakes to avoid and keys to technical success, as well as the models and technology that ensure hassle-free business operations.

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